
Kosakata korea pdf
Kosakata korea pdf

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Masontown was begun by Sam and Raiford Mason and covered the approximate area between 3rd and 6th Streets and Chicon and Waller Streets. Wheatville was named for James Wheat and was bounded by Rio Grande Street and Shoal Creek on the east and west and by 24th and 26th Streets on the south and north. Later this name became used for the whole city as the local alternative to Buitenzorg.What were the boundaries of the 'Freedman's Towns' founded in and near Austin after the Civil War? Former African-American slaves freed during the Civil War lived all over Austin, but settled primarily in the following communities: Clarksville, first settled by Charles Clark, went from West Lynn to the Missouri-Pacific railroad tracks and from 10th Street to Waterston Avenue. Frederick the Great of Prussia's summer palace outside Potsdam, Sanssouci, with the same meaning in French.) Around the same time, the first reference to Bogor as the local name of the city was documented it was mentioned in the administration report from 7 April 1752 with respect to the part of Buitenzorg adjacent to the Palace. The passing Buitenzorg in the 19th century In 1746, by the order of the Governor-General, the Palace, a nearby Dutch settlement and nine native settlements were merged into an administrative division named Buitenzorg (Dutch for 'beyond (or outside) concerns,' meaning 'without worries' or 'carefree,' cf. In 1744–1745, the residence of the Governor-General was built in Pakuan which was hosting the government during the summer. The area attracted the Dutch by a favorable geographical position and mild climate, preferred over the hot which was then the administrative center of the Dutch East Indies.

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The expedition of van Riebeeck performed a detailed study of the Pakuan ruins, discovered and described many archaeological artifacts, including prasasti, and erected buildings for the VOC employees. The district was further developed during the 1703 Dutch mission headed by the Inspector General of the VOC (the son of the founder of and later Governor of Dutch East Indies).

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